2012 Seismic Design Competition

The 2012 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition was held
in conjunction with the 64th EERI Annual Meeting on April 10-13
at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee.

Twenty-seven teams competed, including three international teams.
The professionalism, hard work, and innovation of all students made this year’s event a towering success. The SLC would like to congratulate all participants of the 2012 competition!

We hope to see next year in Seattle at the 2013 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition!

Many thanks to the generous sponsors of the 2012 SDC!

Sponsors 2011

2012 SDC Champions: University of California, Los Angeles

Congratulations to the top three teams, who had the highest annual revenue, as determine by cost performance, oral presentation, poster, workmanship, and architectural design.

Ranking Team Name Prize
1 University of California, Los Angeles $500
2 California Poly Pomona $300
3 Oregon State University $200

2012 SDC Results Summary:

Twelve structures survived all three ground motions: 1940 El Centro, 1994 Northridge, and GM3 (Davis).

Ranking Team Name
1 University of California, Los Angeles photo video
2 California Poly Pomona photo video
3 Oregon State University photo video
4 University of Southern California photo video
5 Brigham Young University photo video
6 Stanford University photo video
7 University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez photo video
8 University of California, San Diego photo video
9 California State University, Los Angeles photo video
10 University of Massachusetts Amherst photo video
11 University of California, Irvine photo video
12 The State University of New York, University at Buffalo photo video

The remaining structures survived El Centro and Northridge, but collapsed during GM3.

Ranking Team Name
13 University of British Columbia photo video
14 University of Nebraska – Lincoln photo video
15 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign photo video
16 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo photo video
17 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca photo video
18 Veer Mata Jijabai Technological Institute photo video
19 University of Missouri-Columbia photo video
20 San Francisco State University photo video
21 The University of Memphis photo video
22 Georgia Institute of Technology photo video
23 San Diego State University photo video
24 Iowa State University photo video
25 University of Notre Dame photo video
26 Pennsylvania State University photo video
27 The University of Texas at Arlington photo video

Additional Pictures can be found here: FACEBOOK LINK

The full results can be downloaded here: 2012 SDC Competition Scores (GM3 was used for purposes of only determining collapse/noncollapse criteria)

2012 SDC Special Awards:

Kinemetrics Award for the Spirit of the Competition:       University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Honorable Mention Nominees:          The University of Texas at Arlington; Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Degenkolb Award for Structural Innovation:       Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Honorable Mention Nominee:          SUNY, University at Buffalo; Cal Poly Pomona

CSI Communication Award:       Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Honorable Mention Nominees:          Stanford; University of British Columbia

FEMA SDC Competition Awards
1st place: UCLA ($500)
2nd place: Cal Poly Pomona ($300)
3rd place: Oregon State University ($200)

Calcutta Auction Winners
1st place: Christine Goulet ($500)
2nd place: Craig Tillman ($300)
3rd place: Steven Jaume ($200)

T-Shirt Design Contest Winner
Agnes Nguyen, UCIrvine ($100)

Honorable Mentions
Lowest Annual Seismic Cost: University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Architecture: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Many thanks to the judges for the 2012 SDC!

Thalia Anagnos (San Jose State University, Professor of General Engineering),

Amanda Bao (Rochester Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor),

Stacy J. Bartoletti (Degenkolb, President and Chief Executive),

Ian Buckle (University of Nevada, Reno, Professor, and EERI President-Elect),

Brady Cox (The University of Arkansas, Assistant Professor),

Mauricio Ciudad-Real (Kinemetrics, Program Manager, OSS Department),

Heidi Faison (PEER, Outreach Director),

Bora Gencturk (Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Houston, Assistant Professor),

Nathan C. Gould (ABS Consulting, Chief of Technology and General Manager),

Christine Goulet (UCLA, Assistant Researcher and Lecturer, NGA East Project Assistant Research Engineer),

John Hooper (Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Principal and Director of Earthquake Engineering),

Dominik Lang (Norsar, Ph.D.), Michael Marasa (Hayward Baker, Business Development Manager),

Justin D. Marshall (Auburn University, Assistant Professor),

Karthik Ramanathan (Georgia Tech, CE PhD Student),

Derek Skolnik (Kinemetrics, Senior Project Engineer),

Alex Taflanidis (University of Notre Dame, Assistant Professor),

Sofia Tangalos (University at Buffalo, MCEER, Senior Research Support Specialist),

Rob Tovani (CSI, Director of Verification, Validation, and Training),

John van de Lindt (University of Alabama, Professor)

Judith Mitrani-Reiser (Johns Hopkins University, Assistant Research Professor)

Shahram Pezeshk (University of Memphis)

Information for the 2011 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition can be found on the following link (below):

2011 Seismic Design Competition

If you have any questions regarding the competition, please visit our FAQ page: https://slc.eeri.org/seismicfaq.htm.

For more information regarding team registration, please visit: https://slc.eeri.org/seismicinfo.htm.

If you any other inquires, please feel free to contact: seismic.design.competition@gmail.com.

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